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Thursday, May 19, 2011

No Uniform protest information for all members!!

To all Members:

The Local has been advised by some members that the employer has been suggesting to letter carriers that they may be subjected to discipline if they participate in our “No Uniform Day” of protest.  The employer has suggested that this may be construed as an illegal work stoppage or a concerted effort.

We are not advocating a work stoppage for Friday, May 20th.  We fully intend to deliver the mail, just not in our uniforms.

This is a concerted effort ito show our support for our negotiating committee and to support our bargaining demands.

The above link will bring you to a pdf version of the decision showing the Canada Industrial Relations Board upholds our legal right to do so and fully rejects the employers’ assertion that it is an illegal strike.  The decision is fairly short and concise and I would encourage you to read the entire document.  The most relevant provisions are in paragraphs 22 to 25.

We have a legal right to show our support for our Union during collective bargaining.  This right only lasts as long as we are determined to stand up and fight for it. 

Stand Together Sisters & Brothers!

PS:  Please share with your contacts through email or other medium.

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